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Campingen öppnades från 01 January till 31 December
{{r.momentInner(r.bookingFrom).locale(r.locale).format('D MMMM YYYY')}}
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Jag är ägaren
Hyra av stuga
2 / 5 (7 röster )

Basswood Resort

15880 Interurban Road
64079, Platte City
Missouri, USA

73-acre country estate with beautifully secluded lakeside country-modern lodging and accommodations. Heated pool, play structure, new splash pad for kids.

Kännetecken för plats

Hyra av båt

Hyra av stuga




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Engelska (USA)
Nice park friendly people no cell service for AT&T and T-Mobile and the wifi that they offer is not great, you can’t get it on your fire stick or smart tvs so plan on being mostly off grid.
1 år sedan

Engelska (USA)
This place is gross. I’m older so I’ve seen some things but this is gross. Maybe okay in your own RV or tent. (Not for the price though) office kid with curly hair He’s RUDE) older fella in maintenance, also rude. None of them seem to care about good customer service and act like basic questions are a bother to them. I’ve stayed here a few times during passing for work. Will no longer do this. Cabins are disgusting and run down. They are doing “improvements” when it comes to decking and kids play area. The cabins (on wheels) need to be knocked down and redone. Smells like ashtray and septic. Cabins are so close and parking is a nightmare if they get busy. Fire pits are right next to cabins and vehicles, it’s just not safe. I am surprised they are allowed to have that little space for firePit and building and vehicle. I think they are “duct taping” these cabins when they should be replaced. For what they are charging that is. You might as well stay at a nice hotel or anywhere for the amount they ask for. Lakes... is a joke. More like farm ponds and septic ponds. Spend your money elsewhere. If WiFi is important, you get kicked out several times so you have to keep logging back in & cell service is very limited. If I could give 0 stars I would
3 år sedan

Engelska (USA)
I would give this place a zero MINUS if I could. We drove 40 mins on 8/9 to check out sites and reserve spot. They were busy, not enough help. They have me map with available sites to check out. I selected site 150 as it had shade and near dog park. I went back to office told them I wanted to reserve #150. We were only going to stay 2 nights but the lady said during busy times we needed to stay 3. So I reserved it for 3 days starting yesterday. She made copy of my DL and I paid a deposit. She was scatter brained so I clarified we were set up for 3 nights, site 150 and she took my CC and placed deposit against. We bought a new to us motor home and wanted to camp close to home and try everything out. My husband drove ahead in motorhome with dogs and I stopped at grocery store and met him there. When I got there the motorhome was crammed into a tiny spot a few sites from one we reserved. The guys awning next to us was touching our camper. We were parked to close to brush to let out our awning. I went up to the office and complained. New lady said there was nothing showing we had reserved specific spot, she wouldn’t make people occupying our spot move because they were checked in. She gave me list of available sites and guy took me in golf cart to view them. She upgraded us to site 25 which was premium because it was paved. We get parked and the 30amp plug in was jacked up. I went back up to office and asked for a 50 to 30 amp dog bone. They don’t have so we decided to move to back row of park, gravel site but secluded. The guy who took me around in cart shows up with the 50 to 30 amp dog bone as soon as we are plugged into 3rd site. We told him we would just stay where we were. Tired, hot, hungry. Slept overnight and felt better, finished completely setting up and new worker comes by on golf cart. Says he is Ass Manager heard we had issues. I thought he was there to apologize but NO he was there to tell us we needed to move a 4th time because somebody had already reserved the spot we were at. We had a very heated exchanged, I made him get me the owners info and phone number and complete refund and we left. I called and left VM at the number he gave me. That was 6 hours ago. Owners live in GA and campground in MO. I do not recommend this place to anyone. Either their computer system is difficult or their employees are incompetent. It took me 20 mins to reserve the spot initially after I had picked out the spot and reserved everything. My husband said it took another 20 mins to check in at the office upon arrival. Complete disaster. I thought showing up in person way in advance to reserve everything wound ensure a smooth checkin, boy was I ever wrong. From now on I will require what site we are getting in writing or email. We are now sitting in our camper in our driveway having adult beverages.
3 år sedan