per nacht
Gemiddelde prijs gebaseerd op een auto en twee personen met een tent, caravan of camper.

Camping is geopend van 01 January tot 31 December
Deze camping kan alleen via de telefoon gereserveerd worden. (503) 842-6694
Deze camping is nog niet door Spottocamp geverifieerd. Bent u de eigenaar van deze camping? Klik dan op de knop hieronder.

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5 / 5 (2 stemmen )

Kilchis River Campground

10500 Kilchis River Rd.
97141, Tillamook
Verenigde Staten

Kilchis River Campground is een camping met 63 plaatsen in Tillamook, Verenigde Staten en is gelegen in de regio Oregon. Honden zijn toegestaan op deze camping.

Op het terrein van Kilchis River Campground is het mogelijk met een tent te kamperen. Er zijn verschillende recreationele activiteiten op de camping. Er is een speeltuin.

Eigenschappen camping




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Engels (VS)
Dry camping with flush toilets. Showers closed. No cell phone service. Spacious campsites with fire ring and picnic table. Sound of the nearby flowing river. Friendly camp host.
1 jaar geleden

Travel Small Live Big
Engels (VS)
We camped here a few years ago - really nice camp hosts. We did not have cell and were trying to let our sister & her husband know where we were & what site we were in (not that the campground was very busy as this was after Labor Day & towards the end of the season), so the camp host let us use their phone to connect and even saved the site next to us. This is a perfect place for families as it has a large grassy area, a playground and a beach with access to the river. The water is incredibly clear and is slow enough at the access to be safe (seasonally I am sure). The view of the mountains was awesome and there is a hiking trail as well. Our sister & her husband loved it so much they returned the next year. A bit of a windy road getting in, but not bad. Dry camping, but we had sun for our solar, there were restrooms & showers. Our old Lab loved the water and we loved our time here :)
3 jaren geleden