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Gemiddelde prijs gebaseerd op een auto en twee personen met een tent, caravan of camper.

Camping is geopend van 01 January tot 31 December
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Jimmy Iversons Campground

3862, Cowa
Victoria, Australië

One of a number of free campgrounds along the Dargo River.
Jimmy Iverson's Campground is very large and has plenty of grassy sites, and shade. It is set along a sweeping bend of the Dargo River. The Dargo River here is fairly shallow, although it is cool and clear and provides a beautiful spot for a dip in the warmer weather. There are also Brown Trout in this river, making this a great spot for land based or kayak fishing. Thanks to Peter for the following updates. Attractive, extended river flats by the bubbling Dargo River in a narrow valley. Well shaded by Gippsland Blue Gums and Peppermints over short green grass. Surrounded by very step, forested slopes. 6 tables & BBQs. Access to the river constrained by fencing of regeneration areas. Rated 4.1/5 The third camp ground on Upper Dargo Rd

This campsite is accessable with regular 2wd vehicles.

Getting there
The road into the campground is fairly steep, however unless there has been a lot of road, you should be right in a 2wd vehicle. If you are towing a caravan, you should look at some of the other sites along the Dargo River. To get to Jimmy Iverson's Campground, follow the Dargo High Plains Road north from Dargo for about 4.5km and take a right into Upper Dargo Road. The campground is another 4km from this turn on your right.

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