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Campingplads åbnet fra 01 January til 31 December
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Yarrangobilly Village Campground

2720, Yarrangobilly
New South Wales, Australien

Pretty little campground beside the Yarrangobilly River
Great for tent based camping as it is open, level and grassy. If the weather is warm you can have a splash in the bubbling creek. There is a little highway noise that manages to be heard over the sound of the bubbling creek, although it is not usually too bad. Fire pits are provided, however there is no wood around, so you will need to bring your own. Next to the campground is Cotterill's Cottage which was built (and has not changed since) the 1890s.
This campsite is in Kosciuszko National Park This is a spectacular national park well known for Australia's highest mountain (Mount Koscuszko) More Information...

This site is accessable by caravans in good weather.

Getting there
Just off the Snowy Mountains Highway as it crosses over the Yarrangobilly River, about 63km south from Tumut.

Karakteristiske campingpladser

Svøm i naturligt vand


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