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Campingplads åbnet fra 01 January til 31 December
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4 / 5 (2 stemmer )

Stantons Bend Campground

3682, Norong
Victoria, Australien

A beautiful camping area with no facilities on a straight section of the Murray.
There is a beach here, and being wide and flat, it is a great spot for swimming . The water is slower and shallower than other areas of the river. It would be a great spot for camping with the kids or the kayaks (or both). There are no defined campsites, just a lovely grassy area right on the rivers edge. This spot is perfect for tent based camping as the ground is level and you wake up with a view of the river from your tent. There are no facilities so you will need to be self sufficient.
This campsite is in Murray River Reserve The Murray River Reserves were set up to protect areas of cultural and natural assets along this stretch of the Murray More Information...

This site is accessable by caravans in good weather.

Getting there
Access off the Murray Valley Hwy [B400] 6k west of Rutherglen; north west 4.1k on Moodemere Rd (1k sealed) (past Lake Moodemere access road) (gravel), right 200m to grid and down to the river on unformed tracks which extend about 0.5k

Karakteristiske campingpladser

Svøm i naturligt vand


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