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Campingplads åbnet fra 01 January til 31 December
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Brooks Cutting Reserve Campground

Victoria, Australien

A camping area on a level, grassed ridge well above (but with limited views of) a canoe landing point on the Goulburn River, although overlooked by distant farms.
Cleared and open with only 2 mature Red Gums there is little shade or privacy. There has been extensive planting around the boundary which will eventually improve the ambience. Rated 3/5 Backed by cleared farms and hills. Well off main roads A walking track leads down to bush covered river flats and the river.

This campsite is accessable with regular 2wd vehicles.

Getting there
By the Goulburn River, downstream of Alexandra. Access from Alexandra: North-west 2k on the Maroondah Hwy [B360, B340], left (south) 1.8k down Swan Rd, right (west) 0.7k on Brooks (Binns-McCraes) Rd (gravel), past the day area, signposted on the left.

Karakteristiske campingpladser

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